Biometric Health Screening

It’s important to stay up to date on preventive care, such as your annual well exam or biometric screening. A verified biometric screening, sometimes called a biometric health screening or biometric assessment, provides a clinical snapshot of key health measures including height, weight, blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL, and a blood sugar value (either glucose or A1C). These results may be used to identify certain health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, or to indicate an increased risk for these conditions before you begin to have symptoms.

Deadline To Earn Premium Credit

Your verified biometric screening must be completed between 1/1/2025 and 12/31/2025 to earn premium credit. To earn YP4H points, values must be received by 5:00 PM on 12/20/2025.

Ways to Complete Biometric Health Screening

A biometric health screening can be completed in one of the following ways listed below.

NOTE: Please be sure you are registered in Ohio State’s internal Link to Health system so your biometric health screening values can be processed by the OSU Health Plan (OSUHP) and sent to Personify Health.

Values obtained during an annual exam with an OSU or Central Ohio Primary Care (COPC) provider are automatically received by the OSUHP. Once all values are received, your Personify Health account will be updated to reflect that you have a complete biometric screening.

  • OSUHP must receive all of your values by 5:00 PM on December 20, 2025 to process YP4H points and premium credit. Values will be accepted until 11:59 PM on December 31, 2025 for premium credit only (no points). Some file feeds can take 10-30 days to process. Please plan your well exam/physical with this in mind and email the OSUHP if you have questions about getting your verification in by the deadline.

Values obtained during an annual exam with a provider outside of the OSU or COPC network will need to be submitted to the OSUHP by your provider using the Provider Form. Please print out and take the form to your appointment for completion and submission by your provider so the OSUHP can verify that you have completed a biometric screening. Once the form has been received and entered by the OSUHP, your Personify Health account will be updated to reflect that you have a complete biometric screening.

  • OSUHP must receive your form by 5:00 PM on December 20, 2025 to process YP4H points and premium credit. Forms will be accepted until 11:59 PM on December 31, 2025 for premium credit only (no points).

If you complete an on-campus screening, you will automatically receive credit for the verified biometric screening. Shortly after the screening appointment your Personify Health account will be updated to reflect that you have a complete biometric screening. Search for available appointments here.

NOTE: The number of available screening events and appointments can fill up quickly, so do not wait to schedule.

If you are in Ohio and an OSU Health plan member, you can schedule a screening appointment at a CVS MinuteClinic. When scheduling you must select “Preventive Health Screening” for the appointment type so you are billed correctly for the appointment. Similar to a well-exam/physical with your PCP, there may be out-of-pocket costs (e.g. if labs are run as preventive or diagnostic). See health plan details for more information.

Please print out and take the Provider Form to your appointment for completion and submission by the clinic to the OSUHP so they can verify that you have completed a biometric screening. Once the form has been received and entered by the OSUHP, your Personify Health account will be updated to reflect that you have a complete biometric screening.

  • OSUHP must receive your form by 5:00 PM on December 20, 2025 to process YP4H points and premium credit. Forms will be accepted until 11:59 PM on December 31, 2025 for premium credit only (no points).


Note: Beginning January 1, 2025, Kroger Little Clinics in Franklin County will not be covered as an in-network provider (however, Kroger Little Clinics outside of Franklin County are covered). To view the provider directory, go to the provider search.

Confirming Completion

When your biometric screening has been processed, it will be reflected as complete in your Personify Health account on the “Rewards” page (under “Home” tab) with a checkmark.

NOTE: Spouses have a unique requirement regarding consent. A spouse must complete the consent that is displayed to them when completing the PHA before they start earning rewards. This consent allows permission for secure data to flow from the OSU Health Plan (OSUHP) to Personify Health, to comply with current regulations when offering wellness services and programming to spouses. This means anything that the OSUHP is responsible for administering, including biometric health screening status, biometric health value reporting, participating in health plan programs (e.g. coaching, care coordination, etc.), will not be sent to Personify Health until the PHA and corresponding consent is completed, thus delaying when points appear for spouses.